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A car dashboard for illustration purposes. The company Visu-IT!, located in Regensburg (Germany), offers high quality Tools and Services in the automotive area, especially for the ECU function- and software-development.

Welcome to Visu-IT!

The company Visu-IT!, located in Regensburg (Germany), offers high quality Tools and Services in the automotive area, especially for the ECU function- and software-development. Expert tools and knowledge – in the area of measurement, calibration and diagnostic – are among others:

  • Consistent and central management of data declarations used in a company/organization -> single source of data declarations
    Especially for model-based development
  • ASAM MCD 2MC / ASAP2 tools
    A2L-Parser, A2L-Library, A2L-Editor, …
  • AUTOSAR (SWC) tools
    Global, company-wide management of AUTOSAR Software Components (SWC’s) and its objects
  • Automated function documentation
    Containing information about the used simulation models, modules, interfaces, data declarations, …
  • Engineering Services and expertise in the area of measurement, calibration and diagnostics for our customers in the automobile industry
16Apr 21

FunDoc Release 21.1

A new FunDoc version has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: Autosar SWC library documentation, new ASCET…

09Apr 21

ADDS Release 21.1

A new ADDS package has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: ADD/PACES tool lock, improved ARXML SWC…

01Dec 20

New Aramis product page

We designed a new product page for Aramis. This page already shows some of the features of the upcoming 4.4.R0…


Latest Versions

ADD 21.1
Automotive Data Dictionary
DDS 21.1
Data Declaration System
FunDoc 21.1
Automated Function Documentation
ASAP2 Toolkit 21.1
ASAP2 Editor and Tools
VIT Lib 10.2
Visu-IT! Component Library
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