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DM Release 22.1

A new DM package (containing the Visu-IT! Data Management tools ADD, PACES, PACES-UI, ADDsync, DDS and FunDoc) has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: Improvements related to Autosar SWC's, further consistency checks, more PACES-UI functionalities Moreover, several…

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Talk at the University of Regensburg

We are proud of our mathematicians at Visu-IT!. At Visu-IT! mathematicians and computer scientists speak the same language. We get along great. One of our employees gave a talk about her experiences in the job as a mathematician. To get…

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We are hiring

Are you also an enthusiastic software developer? We are hiring. Take your chance to join us. At the moment you have the following possibilities to join us: Java-Developer Working student/Trainee  

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Season’s Greetings

On behalf of the entire Visu-IT! team we would like to thank all our customers and partners for the great cooperation and the trust they have placed in us! We can't wait to start 2022 with you! But before that,…

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ADDS & FunDoc Release 21.3

A new ADDS and FunDoc package has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: Enhanced Autosar support on SWCs level (Runnables, Interfaces, Ports), misc. NCheck enhancements. Moreover, several new features, enhancements, usability improvements and bugfixes are included in…

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VDM Offline 2.7

A new version of VDM Offline has been released. Improvements: Export to Excel Support of AUTOSAR Schema R20-11 Minor bugfixes and improvements (search, MDX, layout algorithm Neato) See: Download VDM Offline

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Free PACES UI webinar series

There will be a series of free webinars on the new PACES-UI. In these webinars you will get an overview about the possibilities and the handling of the new PACES UI. On Visu-IT! side, we would like to find out…

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ADDS & FunDoc Release 21.2

A new ADDS and FunDoc package has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: Major PACES-UI functionality boost towards handling of Autosar SWCs, misc. Moreover, several new features, enhancements, usability improvements and bugfixes are included in this version.…

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FunDoc Release 21.1

A new FunDoc version has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: Autosar SWC library documentation, new ASCET access via WebService, new PACES access, introduction of "LuaTeX" as new PDF compiler for FunDoc TeX output, misc. For details,…

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ADDS Release 21.1

A new ADDS package has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: ADD/PACES tool lock, improved ARXML SWC interface checks, new SWC requirements check, VDM enhancements: signal filter & signal names, many PACES-UI improvements, misc. Moreover, several new…

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