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ADDS & FunDoc Release 20.1

A new ADDS and FunDoc package has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: Various Autosar enhancements: SWC Interface, SWC Check, SWC Export/Import, VDM improvements: Filter & Image, Big Models, ADD User Info-System, misc. Moreover, several new features,…

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ADDS & FunDoc Release 19.3

A new ADDS and FunDoc package has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: Various Autosar enhancements: Software Component Import/Export, multiple Client-Server-Interface Operations, Complex Templates, misc. Moreover, several new features, enhancements, usability improvements and bugfixes are included in…

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20 years Visu-IT!

In 2019, Visu-IT! celebrates its 20th anniversary. Starting as service and development provider, Visu-IT! became a tool manufacture in the year 2004. Today, Visu-IT! offers about 10 major tools for the development of embedded systems in the automotive area. Our…

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IT Service Management

It requires considerable tool-, system- and domain-knowledge to ensure a smooth and efficient operation and deployment of the Visu-IT! tools ADD, PACES, FunDoc and DDS at the customer’s toolchain. Visu-IT! supports the customer in this area and offers high-quality IT…

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ADDS & FunDoc Release 19.2

A new ADDS and FunDoc package has been released. This major release contains the following highlights: First Eclipse view based on PACES (Check-view), Autosar Software Component view (Autosar SWC), new visibility concept in ADD, misc. ARXML improvements Moreover, several new…

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Relaunch of Website

The new Visu-IT! website is online now. Besides a refreshed design, the "Product" area is updated and expanded with new tools. Additionally, there are now also videos about the usage of our tools available.

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ASAP2Toolkit Demo

ASAP2Toolkit Demo Version Get a demo version of ASAP2Toolkit. The demo version of the ASAP2Toolkit has the restriction that only a few definitions (about 10) will be finally exported to the ASAP2 file. Apart from that limitation, the demo version…

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